Martin Zet’s campaign Deutschland schafft es ab (Germany gets rid of it) gave rise to strong reactions and polarized the public opinion. His call for donations of Thilo Sarrazin’s book was criticized not only in numerous media reports, but the Berlin Biennale also received an unexpected amount of e-mails which accused Zet amongst other to disregard the freedom of speech or to cultivate a destructive intention.
One month after the call for donations Krytyka Polityczna—media partner of the 7th Berlin Biennale—organizes a debate at KW Institute for Contemporary Art that contextualizes this incident and the extreme reactions. In light of the discussion about right-wing demagogic tendencies in Europe the panelists will talk about Zet’s original intention and offer a critical dialogue with the audience.
Moderated by Igor Stokfiszewski (Krytyka Polityczna)