Founded 1985 in Franco da Rocha, BR
With works by Aurora Cursino dos Santos, Maria Aparecida Dias,
Ubirajara Ferreira Braga, Masayo Seta
11th Berlin Biennale, 5.9.–1.11.2020; Museu de Arte Osório Cesar, Franco da Rocha, BR; installation view; photo: Mathias Völzke
Aurora Cursino dos Santos
A Dama do Fuhrer [The Fuhrer’s Lady], 1951
Oil on paper
Untitled, no date
Oil on paper, double-sided
Untitled, no date
Oil on paper
Maria Aparecida Dias
Untitled, 1994
Acrylic on canvas
Untitled, 1994
Oil on canvas
Untitled, 1995
Oil on canvas
Untitled, 1998
Oil on canvas
Ubirajara Ferreira Braga
A porcissão [The procession], 1995
Gouache on paper
A Madame e o Escravo [Madame and the Slave], 1995
Gouache and oil on paper
Perssonagens do Mundi Infantiu [Characters of the Children’s World], 1996
Gouache and crayon on paper
Masayo Seta
Untitled, 1986
Marker and graphite on paper
Untitled, 1986
Gouache and graphite on paper
Untitled, 1987
Gouache and graphite on paper
Untitled, 1989
Marker, gouache, and graphite on paper
All works Collection Museu de Arte Osório Cesar, Franco da Rocha
Courtesy Complexo Hospitalar do Juquery – Governo do Estado de São Paulo and Prefeitura de Franco da Rocha
With the support of Brasilianische Botschaft in Berlin, Governo do Estado de São Paulo, Goethe-Institut São Paulo